Poets head to Kenilworth
for October 1 Poets’ Breakfast.
Remember that old adage that laughter is the best medicine You mightn’t be able to claim your entry cost on Medicare but poets and audience alike are gearing up to head to Kenilworth for their annual dose.
Hosted by Conondale Range Conservation as part of the Kenilworth Arts Festival, the Breakfast has grown from small and humble beginnings out the back of the scout hall well over a decade ago, to the point where it is now an annual favourite with both poets and audience.
Again with popular local poet Ian Mackay as MC, this year’s breakfast promises to be better than ever with a good line-up of poets and yarn spinners, some familiar faces and some fresh ones too.
Poets’ Breakfasts bring together an impromptu diversity of styles, both in performance and writing. Ian says the usual response of Kenilworth audiences is that they “never realized poetry could be this much fun”.
Poets’ Breakfasts have been an integral part of the successful resurgence of performance poetry over the last two decades. The result is a performance that, while unpredictable in direction, never fails to heartily entertain.
“As well as our seasoned performers like Robin Archbold who has just taken out the Nimbin Performance Poetry World Cup, we always keep space in our program for others,” says Ian. “It’s wonderful to hear people who quietly volunteer to perform and then blow everyone away with their poetry.”
The Breakfast commences at 8am on Saturday October 1 in the woodchop arena just behind the Kenilworth Hall. Entry is $5 with both breakfast, and coffee and cake being available from stalls.
Following the Breakfast, there’s ample time to visit the impressive art display, the centrepiece of the Kenilworth Arts Festival, in the nearby hall and other events around the town.
Increasingly attractive is the option of camping in the showgrounds and simply strolling over to the Breakfast in the morning.
For enquiries about the Breakfast phone either Ian 54 460 124 or Cheryl 54 460 350